Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bull Terrier Club of New England "A" Match and Fun Match

Our BTCNE club has applied for AKC recognition and were required to hold an "A" match. As we didnt want to exclude spayed/neutered dogs, pets, rescue dogs etc., we also held a Fun Match which was open to all, including 3 to 6 month olds. Lucky for me because Huey and Rose were just shy of 6 months on April 19th when we held the matches.

Rose won Best Puppy in the Fun Match and got this very large, very fancy ribbon to wear around her neck. We were off basking in the glow when all of a sudden our number was being called again. It never occurred to me that we would go head-to-head with the Best Adult in the match, but we had to hustle back into the ring.

TA DA! Rose won Best In Match and received an even larger ribbon! We hope this speaks to great things ahead.

1 comment:

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

Congrats Rose and DeDe - she is a beauty

Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ